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The impact of mining on water resources

Team Mwange District community based water quality monitoring

The link below leads you to the documentary film that was produced within the framework of community-based water quality monitoring of Deka river in Zimbabwe in September 2019.

external page link to the film

Water and wildlife on the Zambezi river

Exlainig feldwork

Cristian Teodoru demonstrates a water sampling method at the Kafue River to two students from the University of Zambia

Scott Winton wrote a short non-technical piece with some photos about his last Zambia field campaign.

ETH Ambassadors blog

Robust Sensors for In-Situ Profiling

Sensors in lake

Water columns of stratified lakes often show steep gradients of dissolved ions. Ion-selective electrodes can resolve these profiles, but conventional solid-contact sensors (SC-ISEs) are sensitive to light conditions and high sulfide concentrations. external page more

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